Urban Studies & Planning Financial Aid / GA

The Office of Student Financial Aid will be your primary source of information regarding loans and other types of aid. You should work directly with that office's expert staff to identify the kinds of aid that are available to you.

Financial Aid for: 




Graduate Assistantships ON CAMPUS


Student Loans

Information on student loans is available at the Office of Student Financial Aid. Information on financial aid for international students is available on this page.


The Urban Studies and Planning Program offers a limited number of graduate assistantships each fall. All applicants who apply to the program are considered for a limited number of graduate assistantship positions. Funding for graduate assistantship opportunities varies from year to year.

Some of our students serve as teaching assistants (TAs) for our undergraduate courses, while others assist a faculty member’s research project (GAs). Some of the GA positions are with the National Center for Smart Growth Research and Education. The assistantships are either part time (10 hours per week) or full-time (20 hours per week), in exchange for which the student receives a stipend, tuition remission, and participation in the Maryland State Employees Health Insurance Program. A part-time TA or GA receives 5 hours of tuition remission for each semester worked, while a full-time TA or GA receives 10 hours of tuition remission for each semester worked. Both part-time and full TAs and GAs are charged the in-state Maryland tuition rate for any credits above 5 (or 10) that they take in a given semester. We have a limited number of these positions each semester.

Contact Clara Irazábal at irazabal@umd.edu for more information. Please note that GA positions are also available through other University of Maryland departments, programs or offices. Several of our students have received part- or full-time GA positions in other campus programs in recent years. Notices and descriptions of these positions are available at https://ejobs.umd.edu under “Graduate Assistants”.