Architecture Thesis Presentations December 2018

May 29, 2019 / Updated Mar 30, 2020

Bryan Asson - M.ARCH '18
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Bryan Asson - M.ARCH '18
Brandon Bridge - M.ARCH '18
Alla Elmahadi - M.ARCH & M.RED '18
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Alla Elmahadi - M.ARCH & M.RED '18
Kevin Garzon - M.ARCH '18
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Kevin Garzon - M.ARCH '18
Leslie Giron -M.ARCH '18
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Leslie Giron -M.ARCH '18
Malik Johnson-Williams - M.ARCH '18
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Malik Johnson-Williams - M.ARCH '18
Ryan Litzinger - M.ARCH '18
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Ryan Litzinger - M.ARCH '18
Timothy Shook - M.ARCH '18
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Timothy Shook - M.ARCH '18

Bryan Asson - M.ARCH '18

Architecture + Water: An Amphibious Solution to Urban Flooding


Brandon Bridge - M.ARCH '18

Building Wellness: Reimagining Space & Shaping Urban Lifestyle


Alla Elmahadi - MRED & M.ARCH '18

Cultural Tourism: Unearthing Sudan's Hidden Gems


Kevin Garzon - M.ARCH '18

Sub Cultural Rift: An Affirmation on American Social Issues


Leslie Giron - M.ARCH '18

From Hill to Harbor: Bringing an Art Hub onto Baltimore's Civic Waterfront


Malik Johnson-Williams - M.ARCH '18

Urban Disconnect: Urban Co-housing as Solution to Social Isolation


Ryan Litzinger - M.ARCH '18

A Return to Making: Johnstown Steel Mill Revitalization


Timothy Shook* - M.ARCH '18

Framing Industry: Film-making to Place-making, Toronto, Canada


*Architecture Thesis Award recipient.