Through-Line: A Linear Gallery Exhibit


3835 Campus Drive
Architecture Building (145 ARC)
College Park, MD 20742
United States

Large red lines of graphic with text: Through-Line A participatory collection of personal images, objects, and drawings that draw us closer together and closer to home.

This time of year between Thanksgiving and the New Year is a lot of things: busy, celebratory, stressful, personal, emotional, fun, and chaotic. All of these are compounded by the joys of being back together on campus full time and the heartbreak of current events and personal loss.

To bring us together through the various ways we define this season and define home, share what draws you home.

Through-Line is a participatory collection of personal images, objects, and drawings that draw us closer together and closer to home. 

How to Participate

  1. Find something that helps you define or feel at home.

  2. Post your image or object using the red tape and scissors in the Linear Gallery.