MAPP's Maryland Day

Maryland Day
Box City
Box City
Box City
Box City
Box City
MAPP Maryland Day
Giant Jenga

MAPP Maryland Day Events


Create a Box City  -  11:30 AM - 2:00 PM  -  Architecture Building

Recreate College Park, Md., or your hometown or make your own dream neighborhood with tissue boxes, cereal boxes and oatmeal canisters. Urban planning students are on hand to help you think like a city planner. (For ages 6 and up.)


Illusion by Design: Meet Magician Joe Largess  -  12:00 PM - 1:00 PM & 2:00 PM - 3:00 PM  -  Architecture Building

Do you believe in magic? If not, the School of Architecture, Planning and Preservation's resident magician, staff member Joe Largess, will make you a convert. Watch him perform amazing illusions, sleight of hand and tricks of the eye. You might even be selected to help in his act.


LEAFHouse Tours  -  11:30 AM - 2:30 PM  -  Architecture Building

LEAFHouse is the UMD's award-winning 2007 U.S. Solar Decathlon entry, now owned and operated by the Potomac Valley Architecture Foundation. It was designed and built by UMD students and faculty and is now used as a public educational center and showcase for issues related to sustainability and resiliency. Come see for yourself what a solar powered home is like, learn about its innovative energy systems and design features, and speak with designers and experts about "green" home design. There will music, food, fun, and LOTS to see and experience . Shuttle buses to LEAFHouse will leave from and return to the Architecture Building. (Shuttle buses to LEAFHouse leave from and return to the Architecture Building.)




Meet the Dean at our Tent on McKeldin Mall - tentative time: noon - 1:00 PM


Architecture Trivia  -  All Day  -  McKeldin Mall Tent - School of Architecture, Planning & Preservation

Spin the wheel, give an answer, win a prize and learn something new!


Historic Preservation in Maryland, Washington, D.C., and more!  -  All Day  -  McKeldin Mall Tent - School of Architecture, Planning & Preservation

Children will be able to color their own park ranger badge as they learn about preserving buildings and parklands, and even learn a little about architectural styles with members of HiPO, the student Historic Preservation organization.


Jenga  -  All Day  -  McKeldin Mall Tent - School of Architecture, Planning & Preservation

It's the classic block-stacking, stack-crashing game—just bigger! How will you stack up against the law of gravity? How tall can you build? Stack the wooden blocks in a sturdy tower, then take turns pulling out blocks one by one until the whole stack crashes down. Are you steady enough to pull out the last block before the tower collapses? If you are, you'll win a prize!


Scoop-that-Poop!  -  All Day  -  McKeldin Mall Tent - School of Architecture, Planning & Preservation

Do your doody—“Scoop that Poop!” Play a game and learn how picking up after your dog's waste is good for your health, the health of your pet and Maryland's environment. By scooping the poop, you, are removing harmful nutrients and bacteria from local waterways—including the Chesapeake Bay—while helping keep people healthy and our yards and shoes clean!

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