Managing and Envisioning Uncertain Urban Futures with Scenario Planning

Robert Goodspeed

Robert Goodspeed
Associate Professor of Regional and Urban Planning at Taubman College


Dr. Goodspeed received his Ph.D in urban and regional planning from MIT, M.C.P. from theUniversity of Maryland, and a B.A. in history from the University of Michigan. He is a board member of the Consortium for Scenario Planning.

Emerging technologies, climate change, and the COVID-19 pandemic are making it essential for planners to incorporate uncertainty into long-range plans. In addition, many communities are turning to scenario planning to consider more transformative futures with greater sustainability, equity, and resilience. Drawing on my recent book, Scenario Planning for Cities and Regions: Managing and Envisioning Uncertain Futures, this event will feature a brief overview of scenario planning concepts, introduce case study examples, and open a conversation about how scenario planning can be used to address the planning challenges of today.

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