J. David Waggonner III, FAIA - Living with Water: Urban Design in New Orleans after Katrina

ARC 0204

3835 Campus Drive
Architecture Building (145 ARC)
College Park, MD 20742
United States

MB Gentilly

David Waggonner is president of Waggonner and Ball, an award-winning, internationally active architecture and planning practice located in New Orleans.

The firm’s architectural work varies from historic preservation to modern institutional projects. In the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina, David saw an opportunity for New Orleans to reinvent itself as a sustainable city that embraces its lifeblood, water. He championed a process that examines history, soils, biodiversity, infrastructure networks and urban space, along with the forces of water. This combination serves as a holistic foundation for design, first developed during the Dutch Dialogues and continuing through the Greater New Orleans Urban Water Plan.


Sponsored by the J. Guy Lombardo, Jr. Memorial Lecture Fund