Cammy Brothers, "The School of Rome: Educating the Architect in Renaissance Italy"

ARC 0204

3835 Campus Drive
Architecture Building (145 ARC)
College Park, MD 20742
United States


Cammy Brothers is a joint Associate Professor between Architecture and Art + Design at Northeastern University's College of Arts, Media and Design in Boston.

Dr. Brothers (PhD, Harvard University) comes to Northeastern from the University of Virginia, where she has taught since 1999 and held the Valmarana Chair since 2011. An architectural historian of the Italian Renaissance, she is author of the prize-winning book (2010 winner of the Charles Rufus Morey Book Award from the College Art Association and the Alice Davis Hitchcock Award from the Society of Architectural Historians), Michelangelo, Drawing, and the Invention of Architecture, in addition to numerous articles and book chapters.

She specializes in Italian Renaissance and Mediterranean Architecture. Her book, Michelangelo, Drawing, and the Invention of Architecture (Yale University Press, 2008), argues that Michelangelo’s architectural drawings are best understood in terms of his experience as a painter and sculptor. It explores the idea of drawing as a mode of thinking, using its evidence to reconstruct the process by which Michelangelo arrived at new ideas.

Dr. Brothers is currently completing a book on Giuliano da Sangallo and the Ruins of Rome, and working on another about architectural exchange between Italy and Andalusia.

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