7840 Preinkert Dr
Architecture Building (145 ARC)
College Park, MD 20740
United States
This event is open to the public

Kate Clancy, PhD
Food Systems Consultant and Visiting Scholar at the Center for a Livable Future Johns Hopkins University School of Public Health
In the session, we will discuss many facets of inter- and trans-disciplinary research including their benefits, ingredients of success, processes, models, and challenges. Kate Clancy is currently a food systems consultant, Visiting Scholar at the Center for a Livable Future Johns Hopkins University School of Public Health, and is affiliated with Tufts University Friedman School and the Minnesota Institute for Sustainable Agriculture (she resides in University Park, Maryland). She earned her doctorate in Nutrition at the University of California, Berkeley. She has held full-time and sabbatical positions at four Universities: Cornell, Syracuse Wisconsin and Minnesota. Her resume also includes positions at a federal government agency, several non-profits, and she has served on a number of boards. Clancy developed a graduate course on food systems in 1982 and since then has published, taught, spoken, and consulted widely on alternative agricultures, food systems, and food policy with government agencies, universities, and nonprofits around the country. She is a co-founder of the Agriculture of the Middle Initiative and a co-author with Kathy Ruhf of A Regional Imperative. Her current interests are applying systems thinking to food systems research, the development of regional food systems, and the interdisciplinary research and practices needed to advance agriculture and food systems policy as they relate to public health and climate change.