3835 Campus Drive
Architecture Building (145 ARC)
College Park, MD 20742
United States
This event is hosted by the UMD Libraries. This workshop is open to the MAPP and UMD Community—adjunct faculty, lecturers, PTK and TTK faculty, students, and alumni practitioners are welcome to participate.
The UMD Libraries will provide an overview of publishing journal articles and the Open Access ecosystem.
Prioritizing and expanding the dissemination of research, practice, and scholarly work increases both the effectiveness and rate of knowledge transfer. This is a hands-on workshop for anyone interested in publishing their research and practice.

Daniel C. Mack
Associate Dean of Collections (Librarian IV)
Division Head's Office
Collection Strategies and Services

Alexander Steven Dodd
Continuing Resources Librarian (Librarian II)
Acquisitions, Continuing Resources & Data Services

Cynthia Frank
Librarian and Manager, Architecture and Art Libraries
Director, Visual Resources Collection
Part 1: Overview and insider's guide to journal publications.
Part 2: Open Access (OA) Overview
- Brief overview of OA: what and why
- Identifying OA publishing venues
- UMD's current OA publishing agreements
Part 3: Hands-on training: submitting articles
- Wiley
- Cambridge University Press
- Scopus and bibliometrics
Part 4: Other issues: equitable access policy, DEI issues, Open Scholarship Services, DRUM