Uri Avin Receives Maryland Leadership and Service Award

May 28, 2019 / Updated Mar 17, 2020

Uri Avin Receives Maryland Leadership and Service Award

UMD’s Architecture Program receives addition nod for their work on “Envision Salisbury”

The Maryland Sustainable Growth Commission presented Uri Avin, Director of the Planning & Design Center at the University of Maryland’s National Center for Smart Growth with an award for outstanding leadership and service in advancing the sustainable growth and conservation of Maryland at the organization’s fifth annual Sustainable Growth Awards. Uri was one of six winners—and the only individual—to be recognized for well-planned economic and community development initiatives throughout the state. The awards were announced at a ceremony Thursday in Annapolis.

"I applaud the hard work, creativity and resourcefulness that this year's Maryland Sustainable Growth Award recipients bring to our great state," said Governor Larry Hogan. "Our administration is proud to celebrate their contributions and their commitment to helping change Maryland for the better."

"Today's recipients characterize the innovation, leadership and passion that makes Maryland a leader in cultural preservation, community and economic development and environmental stewardship," said Wendi Peters, Secretary of Planning. "The Maryland Department of Planning joins the Maryland Sustainable Growth Commission in celebrating today's six growth award winners representing examples of what can happen when great ideas and local vision come together in the spirit of creating economic opportunities, robust communities and a superior quality of life for Marylanders."

The commission lauded Avin, who boasts a 40-year career in planning—in the private sector, local government and academia—for his long list of accomplishments that “advance public appreciation, understanding and/or involvement in promoting smart growth and sustainable communities at the local, regional or state level.” The committee specifically cited his work directing the university’s Partnership for Action Learning in Sustainability (PALS) Program, which the committee called, “an innovative multi-disciplinary program engaging university students with local planning.”

“Uri’s leadership, tireless efforts and resourcefulness are the reasons the PALS program has become such a success, and made the program a model for university-community partnerships,” said Gerrit-Jan Knaap, Director of the National Center for Smart Growth. “Through thoughtful and thorough direction, Uri has developed a comprehensive program that enhances a community’s quality of life, while training the next generation of workers to practice their discipline with sustainable growth at the forefront.”

UMD Alumni and Salisbury, Md., mayor Jacob Day also accepted a Sustainable Communities award for the city’s “Envision Salisbury Project.” “Envision Salisbury was coined in 2012 by UMD design students as part of a community-based studio project that was critical to the foundation for the City of Salisbury’s revitalization plan. The studio also served as the beta test for the PALS program.

"The commission and I are excited to be recognizing outstanding Maryland projects for the fifth consecutive year," said Maryland Sustainable Growth Commission Chair Susan Summers. "These growth awards are the highest level of recognition for well-planned economic and community development and sustainability in the state and these six recipients exemplify the highest commitment to successful communities."

The Maryland Sustainable Growth Commission, established by Maryland statute, makes recommendations on growth and development issues and celebrates these achievements with an annual awards program. Commission members, who represent local and state government, business and nonprofit organization sectors, promote coordination and cooperation regarding innovative and responsible growth and development throughout Maryland.