Smart Growth @ 20 Event Poses Strategies to Match 21st Century Challenges

May 29, 2019 / Updated Mar 17, 2020

Smart Growth @ 20 Event Poses Strategies to Match 21st Century Challenges

On April 18th, Governor Larry Hogan joined state representatives, stakeholders and national experts in smart growth practice to examine current smart growth policies for Maryland and strategies for bringing them into the 21st century. Hosted by the National Center for Smart Growth, Smart Growth @ 20 reflected on how smart growth has performed over the past twenty years and began a new conversation about smart and sustainable development for the next two decades, addressing some of the state’s most pressing issues, including climate change, social equity, energy conservation, economic restructuring and technological innovation.

Governor Hogan kicked off the event by presenting a proclamation honoring the work of the National Center for Smart Growth and others in forwarding sustainable growth policies throughout the state, 20 years after a landmark strategy was set in motion to stem the tide of urban and suburban sprawl in Maryland. The Smart Growth and Neighborhood Conservation Acts, signed by Governor Parris Glendening in 1997, aimed to create compact, mixed use and pedestrian-friendly neighborhoods while boosting environmental conservation. As Maryland confronts the new challenges of the 21st century, smart growth is more a part of the conversation than ever, but the definition of what is considered “smart” has expanded significantly.

“Twenty years ago, we put NCSG on the map with our fervent resolve to work with stakeholders across the state to create thriving, equitable, sustainable communities,” says Knaap. “While those principles still hold true, the goal posts have moved. It’s important that our policies are meeting both our long-standing and new priorities in sustainable growth.”

In addition to Governor Larry Hogan, the event was attended by former Governor Parris Glendening, Salisbury mayor and UMD alumnus Jake Day, Texas A&M Professor Phil Berke and numerous smart growth experts and stakeholders. All attendees were hosted at the Maryland State House, and sponsored by Delegate Steve Lafferty, the Maryland Building Industry Alliance, the Town Creek Foundation, NAIOP Maryland and 1000 Friends of Maryland.

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