Mid-Atlantic Lead Forum Gathers Stakeholders to Address Childhood Lead Exposure

Jan 7, 2020



Bob Weir from the City of Wilmington, Delaware, joined other city representatives
to discuss local challenges and successes in reducing lead exposure

Hosted by U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Region 3 with support from the Environmental Finance Center, the Mid-Atlantic Lead Forum convened federal, state, local, academic and nonprofit partners from across the region to discuss strategies to reduce children's exposure to lead. Held in Hunt Valley, Maryland on the first two days of National Children's Health Month, the event aimed to advance the goals of the Federal Action Plan to Reduce Childhood Lead Exposure s and Associated Health Impacts and to equip Mid-Atlantic communities to address local lead-related challenges.

The event shared information and allowed for peer-sharing about state and local efforts to reduce childhood lead exposure, the role of community advocacy in tackling environmental health risks, and federal and state resources available to support lead reduction efforts.   Presentations by US EPA Administrator Andrew Wheeler as well as Regional Administrators Cosmo Servidio (US EPA), Joseph DeFelice (US HUD), and Dalton Paxman (US HHS) highlighted federal and regional initiatives related to children's environmental health. 

A central theme throughout the event was the importance of collaboration between all levels of government as well as non-governmental partners in meeting the call to eliminate childhood lead poisoning.