David Do Named Director of Washington, D.C.’s Office on Asian and Pacific Islander Affairs

May 23, 2019 / Updated Mar 17, 2020

David Do

Urban Studies and Planning Program Graduate Student David Do has been named the new Director of Washington, D.C.’s Office on Asian and Pacific Islander Affairs (OAPIA). D.C. Mayor Muriel Bowser announced David’s new role last week, saying, “I welcome David’s enthusiasm and am delighted to have him join our team. David will be instrumental in working with the AAPI community on behalf of my Administration to deliver a fresh start for the District’s residents.”

David is a long-standing community advocate in the D.C. political landscape, serving both the Fenty and Gray administrations as well as the Office of the Deputy Mayor for Planning and Economic Development.

“David’s enthusiasm for education issues and community engagement shows in both his work for D.C. and his work here at UMD,” said Jim Cohen, director of the Urban Studies and Planning Program. “We are very proud of his achievement.”

The mission of OAPIA is to improve the quality of life for District Asian-Americans and Pacific Islanders through advocacy and engagement. In his new role, David will advise the Mayor, the Council and District agencies on the views, needs and concerns of the AAPI community, provide recommendations on District programs and initiatives affecting the AAPI community and help to coordinate programs and initiatives within District government that promote the overall welfare of the AAPI community.