Alumni Profile: Meet Abraham Murrell

May 23, 2019 / Updated Aug 21, 2019


Before MAPP alum Abraham (Abe) Murrell (B.S. Architecture ’13) starts his master’s degree in architecture this fall, he has a small to-do list. It’s an ambitious list to squeeze into six months: Abe wants to travel, volunteer and also get some hands-on experience in construction. Even more ambitious, is how he plans to do it: On May 22, 2015, Abe will set out with 31 other volunteers on a cross-country, 4,200-mile fund-raising bike trip to benefit affordable housing efforts. The program, called Bike and Build, will take the team from Charleston, South Carolina, to Santa Cruz, California. Along the way, the volunteers will trade their helmets for hammers, working with organizations like Habitat for Humanity and Rebuilding Together to construct affordable homes in communities across the country. Below, Abe (who is a team leader for Bike and Build) talks about the trip, the affordable housing cause and the importance of peanut butter:

How did you come across Bike & Build? I worked for Torti Gallas and Partners for 16 months after graduation, and absolutely love the architectural design process; it is what I plan to do with my career. However, I felt as though I had more leeway to help others because of my age. I also really wanted to get true hands-on construction experience, and love the outdoors, so naturally Bike & Build was a great fit. I had for a long time heard about the organization’s huge impact on affordable housing.

My team plans to help build 12+ houses, raise $150,000+ for affordable housing and talk about affordable housing to 50+ communities. We will also be stopping in Colorado Springs for a six-day "blitz" build for a single family home.

What sort of training are you doing to prepare for the trip? While it is this cold and snowy in Maryland, I am spinning and lifting almost every day at the gym. As soon as it gets a little bit warmer, I cannot wait to get out there on my bike. I'll be training almost every day between now and May, including several multi-day rides. "Training" for me also include tons of trip preparations, and getting out there at some affordable housing builds.

What do you hope to learn on the trip? What do you hope others (those you meet, friends cheering you on from long-distance) will learn? I am hoping to learn a lot about construction; it is something that I think will be invaluable in a career as an architect. I also know that I will learn a lot about how we construct affordable homes and I hope to take that knowledge with me to a career as an architect. I also hope that our trip will raise some awareness of the critical need for affordable housing. In 2012, 40.9 million households – or more than a third of U.S. families and individuals – paid excessive shares of income for housing. This is an increase of more than 9 million households from 2002. Every small donation someone makes goes a really long way for affordable housing.

What must-have item (aside from water) will you always have in close proximity during your rides? Peanut Butter. No doubt, peanut butter is a must-have item when biking; you can put it on anything. Other than that, a helmet at all times, good vibes and extra inner tubes!

What are your plans after Bike & Build? As soon as Bike & Build ends, I will begin my Master's in Architecture degree. I am looking forward to going back to school to learn more about design almost as much as I am looking forward to biking across the country. Although I haven't chosen a school yet, I do love my alma mater. Go Terps!

Abe is hoping to raise $4,500 for Bike and Build, and combine it with his own matching contribution of 15%.To learn more about Abe, our local affordable housing issues, or to donate please go to: